Dapr 101: start building distributed applications with ease

Are you interested in building distributed applications or microservice architectures, but don’t know where to start? Join this session and learn how Dapr can make your life easier!

Dapr, the Distributed Application Runtime, provides a set of common APIs that makes building microservices a breeze. This (code heavy) session covers the various building blocks of Dapr: service invocation, pub/sub messaging, state stores, secret stores, bindings, actors, and workflow. Dapr is available for many languages. In this talk code samples & live demos will be provided in JavaScript, Python and .NET but the lessons learned will be applicable to any language that has a Dapr SDK.

After this session, you’ll have a good understanding how Dapr can help you build distributed and resilient applications.


Session info:

Speaker: Marc Duiker

I ♥ Serverless, Dev Communities, & Creative Coding at Diagrid

Date: 12 mei 2023

Time: 09:50 - 10:35

Relevant tags:
Backend Microservices

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