Shai Mishali

Shai Mishali

Senior iOS Tech Lead at

Shai Mishali is a Senior iOS Tech Lead for, as well as an international speaker, and a highly active open-source contributor. He is also maintainer on several high-profile projects – namely, the RxSwift Community and RxSwift projects, but he also releases many open-source endeavours around Combine such as CombineCocoa, RxCombine and more.

Shai is a published author, having worked on over six different books, all related to the Swift eco-system, on topics such as Combine, RxSwift, async/await, and other Advanced Swift topics.

As an avid enthusiast of hackathons, Shai took 1st place at BattleHack Tel-Aviv 2014, BattleHack World Finals San Jose 2014, and Ford’s Developer Challenge Tel-Aviv 2015. You can find him on GitHub and Twitter @freak4pc.

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