An alternative solution to Wireframes and Coordinators: the State machine and it’s little helper
Last year the ANWB introduced navigation into their iOS App. It’s a single map with bottom-drawers that displays content. But using VIPER’s Wireframes and Coordinators to push/pop content seemed complex. Not only navigation in the app but we had to support CarPlay as well and had to let them talk to each other in a well controlled testable way. Hence we came up with the State machine. A good-old-fashioned software pattern that made our seemingly complex problem simple and easy to maintain.
In this talk we want to show you what are thought process was, Viper’s Wireframe/Coordinators vs State machine. The architecture, how-to use, test it, wonderful statelessness and how to support pretty complex scenario’s where different UIScene’s were able to respond and react to one another.
Session info:
Speaker: Robert van Loghem
Robert is part of Mobile Revolution. Experienced iOS/Kotlin and Fullstack developers at DRUMMINGWITHNEEDLES
Date: 12 May 2023
Time: 09:50 - 10:35
Relevant tags:
Speaker: Sanne Noordzij
Sanne is part of Moxie Mobile. Experienced iOS/Kotlin and Fullstack developers at Moxie Mobile