Please note: ticket prices will increase on 31 December! Buy your Webdevcon 2025 ticket now and save from € 140,-.
The covid pandemic is over. But we are facing another from which we suffer daily. The pandemic of inactivity. However, there is a fun way to deal with it! As a team, with [...]
Once upon a time, developers were the unsung heroes of our world. The stereotypical developer, with glasses perched on the nose and an innate talent for science, even inspired the alter egos of [...]
As wikipedia states: chindōguis the practice of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that seem to be ideal solutions to particular problems, but which may cause more problems than they solve. The term is of [...]
We all want to be better persons in a better world with better technology, but that means we have to become active. This is not easy, especially when our technology does not have [...]
Managing infrastructure at scale is difficult and costly. How are top teams solving this challenge today? What are the benefits of utilising a cloud provider for this, and how does Bitrise do it?
In this Podcast recording with live audience, David will interview Fabian Giger, Commercial Director of CoffeeIT about developing for startups and how to deal with gold diggers and how to find dream clients
Tests, monitoring, these help us assert the known knowns of our systems. But what about the known unknowns? Or, especially in complex distributed systems, the unknown unknowns? What can we learn from the [...]
Manuel's passion for software development is way older than his passion for the environment. Still, he realises one cannot be more important than the other over the last ten years. In this talk, [...]
In this live podcast recording, David van der Loo will interview Jeff Watkins about: How to actually become a Problem Solver
As the world of work is changing so rapidly, skills will become outdated even faster than they do today. Even if you don’t know exactly what or when, you will have to continuously [...]
As technologists we're always ready to fire up our IDE, Photoshop, or Illustrator and start something new, to build a better mouse trap, to connect dog-owners with dog-walkers. We build and build and [...]
Bummed that your favourite tutorial session is already fully booked, but still want to include the Thursday in your Appdevcon schedule? We've got the solution: come join us on a canal boat tour [...]
Bummed that your favourite Thursday tutorial session is fully booked? Still want to enjoy Appdevcon thursday? Join us for a walking tour in the city of Amsterdam, by a professional tour guide and [...]